Source code for qt_binder.widgets

#  Copyright (c) 2014-2015, Enthought, Inc.
#  All rights reserved.
#  This software is provided without warranty under the terms of the BSD
#  license included in LICENSE.txt and may be redistributed only
#  under the conditions described in the aforementioned license.  The license
#  is also available online at
#  Thanks for using Enthought open source!

from __future__ import division

from math import exp, log
import operator

import six

from traits.api import Any, Callable, Constant, Dict, Enum, Float, Instance, \
    Int, List, NO_COMPARE, Str, Tuple, Undefined, Unicode, on_trait_change

from .binder import Binder, QtDynamicProperty, Rename, Default
from .qt import QtCore, QtGui
from .qt.ui_loader import load_ui
from .raw_widgets import ComboBox, Composite, LineEdit, Slider, binder_registry

INVALID_STYLE_RULE = ("*[valid='false'] "
                      "{ background-color: rgb(255, 192, 192); }")

[docs]class TextField(LineEdit): """ Simple customization of a LineEdit. The widget can be configured to update the model on every text change or only when Enter is pressed (or focus leaves). This emulates Traits UI's `TextEditor` `auto_set` and `enter_set` configurations. If a validator is set, invalid text will cause the background to be red. """ #: The value to sync with the model. value = Unicode(comparison_mode=NO_COMPARE) #: Whether the `value` updates on every keypress, or when Enter is pressed #: (or `focusOut`). mode = Enum('auto', 'enter') #: Whether or not the current value is valid, for the stylesheet. valid = QtDynamicProperty(True)
[docs] def configure(self): self.styleSheet = INVALID_STYLE_RULE
def _update_valid(self, text): """ Update the valid trait based on validation of ``text``. """ validator = self.validator if validator is not None: state, fixed, pos = validator.validate(text, len(text)) self.valid = (state == validator.Acceptable) @on_trait_change('textEdited') def _on_textEdited(self, text): if (self.mode == 'auto' and 'value' not in self.loopback_guard): with self.loopback_guard('value'): self._update_valid(text) self.value = text @on_trait_change('editingFinished') def _on_editingFinished(self): if 'value' not in self.loopback_guard: with self.loopback_guard('value'): self.value = self.text @on_trait_change('text,validator') def _on_text(self): self._update_valid(self.text) def _value_changed(self, new): if 'value' not in self.loopback_guard: with self.loopback_guard('value'): self.text = new
[docs]class EditableComboBox(ComboBox): """ ComboBox with an editable text field. We do not do bidirectional synchronization of the value with the model since that is typically not required for these use cases. """ lineEdit_class = TextField #: The selected value. value = Any(Undefined, comparison_mode=NO_COMPARE) #: (object, label) pairs. values = List(Tuple(Any, Unicode)) #: Function that is used to compare two objects in the values list for #: equality. Defaults to normal Python equality. same_as = Callable(operator.eq) editable = Constant(True)
[docs] def configure(self): self.qobj.setEditable(True) self._on_editable() super(EditableComboBox, self).configure()
@on_trait_change('values,values_items,qobj') def _update_values(self): qobj = self.qobj if qobj is not None: old_value = self.value current_text = qobj.currentText() current_index = qobj.currentIndex() # Check if the user entered in custom text that should be # preserved. preserve_text = (current_index == -1 or qobj.itemData(current_index) is None or current_text != qobj.itemText(current_index)) labels = [] new_index = -1 for i, (value, label) in enumerate(self.values): if self.same_as(value, old_value): new_index = i labels.append(label) with self.loopback_guard('value'): if qobj.count() > 0: qobj.clear() # Items from the list get their index into the values list # added as their user data as well. Items added from the text # field will have that still be None. for i, label in enumerate(labels): qobj.addItem(label, i) if preserve_text: qobj.setEditText(current_text) self.value = current_text else: qobj.setCurrentIndex(new_index) @on_trait_change('currentIndexChanged_int') def _on_currentIndexChanged(self, index): if index != -1 and 'value' not in self.loopback_guard: with self.loopback_guard('value'): values_index = self.qobj.itemData(index) if values_index is not None: self.value = self.values[values_index][0] else: # Otherwise, it's one of the added values. self.value = self.qobj.itemText(index) @on_trait_change('lineEdit:textEdited') def _on_textEdited(self, text): if 'value' not in self.loopback_guard: with self.loopback_guard('value'): self.value = text
[docs]class EnumDropDown(ComboBox): """ Select from a set of preloaded choices. """ #: The selected value. value = Any(Undefined, comparison_mode=NO_COMPARE) #: (object, label) pairs. values = List(Tuple(Any, Unicode)) #: Function that is used to compare two objects in the values list for #: equality. Defaults to normal Python equality. same_as = Callable(operator.eq) editable = Constant(False) @on_trait_change('values,values_items,qobj') def _update_values(self): qobj = self.qobj if qobj is not None: old_value = self.value labels = [] if self.editable: new_index = -1 else: new_index = 0 for i, (value, label) in enumerate(self.values): if self.same_as(value, old_value): new_index = i labels.append(label) if qobj.count() > 0: qobj.clear() qobj.addItems(labels) qobj.setCurrentIndex(new_index) @on_trait_change('currentIndexChanged_int') def _on_currentIndexChanged(self, index): if 'value' not in self.loopback_guard: with self.loopback_guard('value'): self.value = self.values[index][0] def _value_changed(self, new): if 'value' not in self.loopback_guard: with self.loopback_guard('value'): new_index = -1 for i, (value, label) in enumerate(self.values): if self.same_as(value, new): new_index = i break self.currentIndex = new_index
[docs]class UIFile(Composite): """ Load a layout from a Qt Designer `.ui` file. Widgets and layouts with names that do not start with underscores will be added as traits to this :class:`~.Binder`. The :data:`~.binder_registry` will be consulted to find the raw :class:`~.Binder` to use for each widget. This can be overridden for any named widget using the :attr:`overrides` trait. """ qclass = QtGui.QWidget #: The .ui file with the layout. filename = Str() #: Override binders for named widgets. overrides = Dict(Str, Instance(Binder)) def __init__(self, filename, **traits): super(UIFile, self).__init__(filename=filename, **traits)
[docs] def construct(self, *args, **kwds): qobj, to_be_bound = load_ui(self.filename) for name in to_be_bound: obj = qobj.findChild(QtCore.QObject, name) self.add_trait(name, Instance(Binder)) if name in self.overrides: binder = self.overrides[name] else: binder = binder_registry.lookup(obj)() binder.qobj = obj setattr(self, name, binder) self.qobj = qobj
[docs]class BaseSlider(Slider): """ Base class for the other sliders. Mostly for interface-checking and common defaults. """ #: The value to synch with the model. value = Any(0) #: The inclusive range. range = Tuple(Any(0), Any(99)) #: The underlying Qt value. qt_value = Rename('value') # The Qt default is vertical for some awful reason. orientation = Default(QtCore.Qt.Horizontal)
[docs]class IntSlider(BaseSlider):
#: The value to synch with the model. value = Int(0) #: The inclusive range. range = Tuple(Int(0), Int(99)) def configure(self): # Set the initial values. self._range_changed() self._value_changed() def _range_changed(self): if self.qobj is not None: self.qobj.setRange(*self.range) else: minimum, maximum = self.range self.trait_set( minimum=minimum, maximum=maximum, ) def _value_changed(self): if 'value' not in self.loopback_guard: with self.loopback_guard('value'): self.qt_value = self.value @on_trait_change('qt_value') def _on_qt_value(self): if 'value' not in self.loopback_guard: with self.loopback_guard('value'): self.value = self.qt_value
[docs]class FloatSlider(BaseSlider):
#: The value to synch with the model. value = Float(0.0) #: The inclusive range. range = Tuple(Float(0.0), Float(1.0)) #: The number of steps in the range. precision = Int(1000) def configure(self): # Set the initial values. self._precision_changed() self._value_changed() def _precision_changed(self): self.maximum = self.precision def _range_changed(self): self._value_changed() def _value_changed(self): if 'value' not in self.loopback_guard: with self.loopback_guard('value'): self.qt_value = self._qt_value_from_python(self.value) @on_trait_change('qt_value') def _on_qt_value(self): if 'value' not in self.loopback_guard: with self.loopback_guard('value'): self.value = self._python_value_from_qt(self.qt_value) def _qt_value_from_python(self, value): low, high = self.range precision = self.precision qt_value = int(round((value - low) * precision / (high - low))) qt_value = min(max(qt_value, 0), precision) return qt_value def _python_value_from_qt(self, qt_value): low, high = self.range precision = self.precision value = qt_value * (high - low) / precision + low return value
[docs]class LogSlider(FloatSlider):
#: The inclusive range. range = Tuple(Float(1e-2), Float(100.0)) def _qt_value_from_python(self, value): low, high = self.range precision = self.precision value = max(value, low) log_low = log(low) log_high = log(high) log_value = log(value) qt_value = int(round((log_value - log_low) * precision / (log_high - log_low))) qt_value = min(max(qt_value, 0), precision) return qt_value def _python_value_from_qt(self, qt_value): low, high = self.range precision = self.precision log_low = log(low) log_high = log(high) log_value = qt_value * (log_high - log_low) / precision + log_low value = exp(log_value) return value
[docs]class RangeSlider(Composite): """ A slider with labels and a text entry field. The root widget is a `QWidget` with a new property `binder_class=RangeSlider`. Stylesheets can reference it using the selector:: *[binder_class="RangeSlider"] {...} This can be useful for styling the child `QLabels` and `QLineEdit`, for example to make a series of `RangeSliders` align. """ qclass = QtGui.QWidget #: The value to synch with the model. value = Any(0) #: The inclusive range. range = Tuple(Any(0), Any(99)) #: The formatting function for the labels. label_format_func = Callable(six.text_type) #: The formatting function for the text field. This is used only when the #: slider is setting the value. field_format_func = Callable(six.text_type) #: The slider widget. slider = Instance(BaseSlider, factory=IntSlider, args=()) #: The field widget. field = Instance(TextField, args=()) _low_label = Any() _high_label = Any() _from_text_func = Callable(int) def __init__(self, *args, **traits): # Make sure that a `slider` argument gets assigned before anything else # because it will affect what range can be accepted. if 'slider' in traits: slider = traits.pop('slider') super(RangeSlider, self).__init__() self.slider = slider self.trait_set(**traits) else: super(RangeSlider, self).__init__(*args, **traits)
[docs] def construct(self): self.slider.construct() self.field.construct() super(RangeSlider, self).construct() self.qobj.setProperty('binder_class', u'RangeSlider') layout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout() self._low_label = QtGui.QLabel() self._low_label.setAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignRight) self._high_label = QtGui.QLabel() self._high_label.setAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignLeft) layout.addWidget(self._low_label) layout.addWidget(self.slider.qobj) layout.addWidget(self._high_label) layout.addWidget(self.field.qobj) layout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) self.qobj.setLayout(layout)
[docs] def configure(self): super(RangeSlider, self).configure() if isinstance(self.slider, IntSlider): # Use an integer validator for the text field. self.field.validator = QtGui.QIntValidator() self._from_text_func = int else: self.field.validator = QtGui.QDoubleValidator() self._from_text_func = float self._update_widgets()
@on_trait_change('value,range') def _update_widgets(self): # Update the range then the value because the widgets will just # silently reject values out of bounds. if 'value' not in self.loopback_guard: with self.loopback_guard('value'): value = self.value range = self.range if self.qobj is not None: self.field.validator.setRange(range[0], range[1]) if not isinstance(self.slider, IntSlider): # Note: this assumes that all sliders other than # IntSlider have decimal inputs. self.field.validator.setDecimals(16) self._low_label.setText(self.label_format_func(range[0])) self._high_label.setText(self.label_format_func(range[1])) self.field.text = six.text_type(value) self.slider.range = range self.slider.value = value @on_trait_change('slider:value') def _on_slider_value(self): if 'value' not in self.loopback_guard: with self.loopback_guard('value'): value = self.slider.value self.value = value self.field.text = self.field_format_func(value) @on_trait_change('field:value') def _on_field_text(self, text): if 'value' not in self.loopback_guard: with self.loopback_guard('value'): if self.field.valid: try: value = self._from_text_func(text) except ValueError: pass else: self.value = value self.slider.value = value