Source code for qt_binder.raw_widgets

#  Copyright (c) 2014-2015, Enthought, Inc.
#  All rights reserved.
#  This software is provided without warranty under the terms of the BSD
#  license included in LICENSE.txt and may be redistributed only
#  under the conditions described in the aforementioned license.  The license
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#  Thanks for using Enthought open source!

import six

from traits.api import CList, Either, Instance, Int, List, Property, Str, \
    TraitError, Tuple, Unicode, on_trait_change

from .binder import Binder, Composite, NChildren
from .qt import QtCore, QtGui
from .qt.QtCore import Qt
from .type_registry import TypeRegistry

#: The global registry mapping PySide/PyQt types to their Binders.
binder_registry = TypeRegistry()

class Object(Binder):
    qclass = QtCore.QObject

class Widget(Binder):
    qclass = QtGui.QWidget

class DialogButtonBox(Binder):
    qclass = QtGui.QDialogButtonBox

class DesktopWidget(Binder):
    qclass = QtGui.QDesktopWidget

class LineEdit(Binder):
    qclass = QtGui.QLineEdit

[docs]class ComboBox(Composite): """ Customized to exposed the line-edit widget as a child :class:`~.Binder`. """ qclass = QtGui.QComboBox lineEdit_class = LineEdit lineEdit = Instance(LineEdit) @on_trait_change('editable,qobj') def _on_editable(self): qobj = self.qobj if qobj is not None and self.editable: self.lineEdit = self.lineEdit_class(qobj=qobj.lineEdit()) self.lineEdit.configure() else: if self.lineEdit is not None: self.lineEdit.dispose() self.lineEdit = None
class FontComboBox(ComboBox): qclass = QtGui.QFontComboBox class CalendarWidget(Binder): qclass = QtGui.QCalendarWidget class PushButton(Binder): qclass = QtGui.QPushButton class CommandLinkButton(Binder): qclass = QtGui.QCommandLinkButton class CheckBox(Binder): qclass = QtGui.QCheckBox class ToolButton(Binder): qclass = QtGui.QToolButton class RadioButton(Binder): qclass = QtGui.QRadioButton class WizardPage(Binder): qclass = QtGui.QWizardPage class Workspace(Binder): qclass = QtGui.QWorkspace class Frame(Binder): qclass = QtGui.QFrame class ToolBox(Binder): qclass = QtGui.QToolBox class TreeView(Binder): qclass = QtGui.QTreeView class TreeWidget(Binder): qclass = QtGui.QTreeWidget class HeaderView(Binder): qclass = QtGui.QHeaderView class TableView(Binder): qclass = QtGui.QTableView class TableWidget(Binder): qclass = QtGui.QTableWidget class ColumnView(Binder): qclass = QtGui.QColumnView class ListView(Binder): qclass = QtGui.QListView class UndoView(Binder): qclass = QtGui.QUndoView class ListWidget(Binder): qclass = QtGui.QListWidget class ScrollArea(Binder): qclass = QtGui.QScrollArea class PlainTextEdit(Binder): qclass = QtGui.QPlainTextEdit class TextEdit(Binder): qclass = QtGui.QTextEdit class TextBrowser(Binder): qclass = QtGui.QTextBrowser class MdiArea(Binder): qclass = QtGui.QMdiArea class GraphicsView(Binder): qclass = QtGui.QGraphicsView class StackedWidget(Binder): qclass = QtGui.QStackedWidget class LCDNumber(Binder): qclass = QtGui.QLCDNumber class Label(Binder): qclass = QtGui.QLabel class ToolBar(Binder): qclass = QtGui.QToolBar class RubberBand(Binder): qclass = QtGui.QRubberBand class TabWidget(Binder): qclass = QtGui.QTabWidget class StatusBar(Binder): qclass = QtGui.QStatusBar class TabBar(Binder): qclass = QtGui.QTabBar class SplitterHandle(Binder): qclass = QtGui.QSplitterHandle class Slider(Binder): qclass = QtGui.QSlider class Dial(Binder): qclass = QtGui.QDial class ScrollBar(Binder): qclass = QtGui.QScrollBar class DateTimeEdit(Binder): qclass = QtGui.QDateTimeEdit class DateEdit(Binder): qclass = QtGui.QDateEdit class TimeEdit(Binder): qclass = QtGui.QTimeEdit class DoubleSpinBox(Binder): qclass = QtGui.QDoubleSpinBox class SpinBox(Binder): qclass = QtGui.QSpinBox class SplashScreen(Binder): qclass = QtGui.QSplashScreen class SizeGrip(Binder): qclass = QtGui.QSizeGrip class Dialog(Binder): qclass = QtGui.QDialog class ColorDialog(Binder): qclass = QtGui.QColorDialog class PrintDialog(Binder): qclass = QtGui.QPrintDialog class PageSetupDialog(Binder): qclass = QtGui.QPageSetupDialog class FileDialog(Binder): qclass = QtGui.QFileDialog class Wizard(Binder): qclass = QtGui.QWizard class ProgressDialog(Binder): qclass = QtGui.QProgressDialog class PrintPreviewDialog(Binder): qclass = QtGui.QPrintPreviewDialog class FontDialog(Binder): qclass = QtGui.QFontDialog class MessageBox(Binder): qclass = QtGui.QMessageBox class InputDialog(Binder): qclass = QtGui.QInputDialog class ErrorMessage(Binder): qclass = QtGui.QErrorMessage class ProgressBar(Binder): qclass = QtGui.QProgressBar class PrintPreviewWidget(Binder): qclass = QtGui.QPrintPreviewWidget class MenuBar(Binder): qclass = QtGui.QMenuBar class Menu(Binder): qclass = QtGui.QMenu class MdiSubWindow(Binder): qclass = QtGui.QMdiSubWindow class MainWindow(Binder): qclass = QtGui.QMainWindow class SingleChild(Composite): """ Base class for widgets that typically have just a single child. """ qclass = QtGui.QWidget child = Instance(Binder) def __init__(self, child=None, **traits): super(SingleChild, self).__init__(child=child, **traits) def construct(self): if self.child is not None: self.child.construct() super(SingleChild, self).construct() def configure(self): if self.child is not None: if isinstance(self.child.qobj, QtGui.QWidget): self.child.qobj.setParent(self.qobj) elif isinstance(self.child.qobj, QtGui.QLayout): self.qobj.setLayout(self.child.qobj) super(SingleChild, self).configure() class GroupBox(SingleChild): qclass = QtGui.QGroupBox class FocusFrame(Binder): qclass = QtGui.QFocusFrame class DockWidget(Binder): qclass = QtGui.QDockWidget
[docs]class Layout(NChildren): """ Base class for all `QLayouts`. """ qclass = QtGui.QLayout def __init__(self, *children, **kwds): self.child_binders = list(children) super(Layout, self).__init__(**kwds)
[docs] def construct(self): """ Build the QLayout. """ for child in self.child_binders: child.construct() super(Layout, self).construct()
[docs]class Splitter(NChildren): """ A splitter widget for arbitrary numbers of children. """ qclass = QtGui.QSplitter def __init__(self, *children, **kwds): self.child_binders = list(children) super(Splitter, self).__init__(**kwds)
[docs] def construct(self): """ Build the QLayout. """ for child in self.child_binders: child.construct() super(Layout, self).construct()
[docs] def configure(self): super(StackedLayout, self).configure() qobj = self.qobj for child in self.child_binders: widget = child.qobj if isinstance(widget, QtGui.QLayout): widget = QtGui.QWidget() widget.setLayout(child.qobj) qobj.addWidget(widget)
[docs]class BoxLayout(Layout): """ Base class for box layouts. """ qclass = QtGui.QBoxLayout
[docs] def configure(self): super(BoxLayout, self).configure() qobj = self.qobj for child in self.child_binders: if isinstance(child.qobj, QtGui.QWidget): qobj.addWidget(child.qobj) elif isinstance(child.qobj, QtGui.QLayout): qobj.addLayout(child.qobj)
[docs]class VBoxLayout(BoxLayout): """ A vertical layout. """ qclass = QtGui.QVBoxLayout
[docs]class HBoxLayout(BoxLayout): """ A horizontal layout. """ qclass = QtGui.QHBoxLayout
[docs]class StackedLayout(Layout): """ A stacked layout. """ qclass = QtGui.QStackedLayout
[docs] def configure(self): super(StackedLayout, self).configure() qobj = self.qobj for child in self.child_binders: widget = child.qobj if isinstance(widget, QtGui.QLayout): widget = QtGui.QWidget() widget.setLayout(child.qobj) qobj.addWidget(widget)
class BasicGridLayout(Layout): """ An explicit grid layout without colspans or rowspans. The arguments are equal-length lists of `Binder` widgets, `unicode` labels, `(Binder, Qt.Alignment)` tuples, `(unicode, Qt.Alignment)` tuples, or `None` for an empty grid cell. """ qclass = QtGui.QGridLayout #: List of lists of `Binders`, `unicode` labels, or `None`. Each list #: should have the same number of elements (i.e. the number of columns. rows = List(CList(Either( None, Instance(Binder), Unicode, Tuple(Instance(Binder), Either(Instance(Qt.AlignmentFlag), Instance(Qt.Alignment))), Tuple(Unicode, Either(Instance(Qt.AlignmentFlag), Instance(Qt.Alignment))), ))) #: The child ``Binder`` instances. child_binders = Property(List(Instance(Binder))) def __init__(self, *rows, **traits): rows = list(rows) all_ncols = set(len(row) for row in rows) if len(all_ncols) > 1: # FIXME: Validate on trait assignment, too. raise TraitError("Expected the same number of columns: " "got {!r}".format(all_ncols)) # Skip the Layout.__init__(). super(Layout, self).__init__(rows=rows, **traits) def __repr__(self): args = ',\n '.join(map(repr, self.rows)) if args += ',\n id={!r}'.format(self) return '{0.__name__}(\n {1})'.format(type(self), args) def configure(self): super(Layout, self).configure() qobj = self.qobj for irow, row in enumerate(self.rows): for icol, cell in enumerate(row): alignment = Qt.Alignment(0) if isinstance(cell, tuple): cell, alignment = cell if isinstance(cell, six.string_types): widget = QtGui.QLabel() widget.setText(cell) qobj.addWidget(widget, irow, icol, alignment) elif isinstance(cell, Binder): if isinstance(cell.qobj, QtGui.QWidget): qobj.addWidget(cell.qobj, irow, icol, alignment) elif isinstance(cell.qobj, QtGui.QLayout): qobj.addLayout(cell.qobj, irow, icol, alignment) else: raise TypeError("Expected a QWidget or QLayout: " "got {!r}".format(cell.qobj)) # Ignore None. def _get_child_binders(self): children = [] for row in self.rows: for cell in row: if isinstance(cell, Binder): children.append(cell) elif isinstance(cell, tuple) and isinstance(cell[0], Binder): children.append(cell[0]) return children class SpanGridLayout(Layout): """ Grid layout with spans. """ qclass = QtGui.QGridLayout #: Items to add: `(Binder/unicode, row, col[, rowspan, colspan] #: [, alignment])` items = List(Either( Tuple(Either(Instance(Binder), Unicode), Int, Int), Tuple(Either(Instance(Binder), Unicode), Int, Int, Instance(Qt.AlignmentFlag)), Tuple(Either(Instance(Binder), Unicode), Int, Int, Int, Int), Tuple(Either(Instance(Binder), Unicode), Int, Int, Int, Int, Instance(Qt.AlignmentFlag)), )) #: The child ``Binder`` instances. child_binders = Property(List(Instance(Binder))) def __init__(self, *items, **traits): items = list(items) # Skip the Layout.__init__(). super(Layout, self).__init__(items=items, **traits) def __repr__(self): args = ',\n '.join(map(repr, self.items)) if args += ',\n id={!r}'.format(self) return '{0.__name__}(\n {1})'.format(type(self), args) def configure(self): super(Layout, self).configure() qobj = self.qobj for item in self.items: cell = item[0] if isinstance(cell, six.string_types): label = QtGui.QLabel() label.setText(cell) args = (label,) + item[1:] else: # isiinstance(cell, Binder) args = (cell.qobj,) + item[1:] if isinstance(args[0], QtGui.QWidget): qobj.addWidget(*args) elif isinstance(args[0], QtGui.QLayout): qobj.addLayout(*args) else: raise TypeError("Expected a QWidget or QLayout: " "got {!r}".format(args[0])) def _get_child_binders(self): children = [] for item in self.items: if isinstance(item[0], Binder): children.append(item[0]) return children
[docs]class FormLayout(Layout): """ Children are (label, widget) pairs. The label can be a ``unicode`` string or ``None``. The last item can be a single ``Binder`` to take up the whole space. """ qclass = QtGui.QFormLayout #: The (label, widget) pairs. rows = List(Either( Tuple(Either(None, Unicode, Instance(Binder)), Instance(Binder)), Instance(Binder), )) #: The child ``Binder`` instances. child_binders = Property(List(Instance(Binder))) def __init__(self, *rows, **traits): rows = list(rows) # Skip the Layout.__init__(). super(Layout, self).__init__(rows=rows, **traits)
[docs] def configure(self): super(Layout, self).configure() qobj = self.qobj for row in self.rows: if isinstance(row, tuple): label, widget = row widget = widget.qobj if isinstance(label, Binder): label = label.qobj qobj.addRow(label, widget) elif isinstance(row.qobj, QtGui.QWidget): qobj.addRow(row.qobj)
def __repr__(self): args = ', '.join(map(repr, self.rows)) if args += ', id={!r}'.format(self) return '{0.__name__}({1})'.format(type(self), args) def _get_child_binders(self): children = [] for row in self.rows: if isinstance(row, tuple): label, widget = row if isinstance(label, Binder): children.append(label) children.append(widget) elif isinstance(row, Binder): children.append(row) return children
[docs]class WithLayout(Composite): """ A dumb `QWidget` wrapper with a child `Layout`. This is needed in some places where a true `QWidget` is needed instead of a `QLayout`. """ qclass = QtGui.QWidget child_layout = Instance(Layout) def __init__(self, layout, **traits): super(WithLayout, self).__init__(child_layout=layout, **traits)
[docs] def configure(self): super(WithLayout, self).configure() self.qobj.setLayout(self.child_layout.qobj)
def __repr__(self): args = repr(self.child_layout) if args += ', id={!r}'.format(self) return '{0.__name__}({1})'.format(type(self), args)
[docs]class ButtonGroup(Binder): """ A group of buttons. This is a special `Binder` used in the `button_groups=` keyword to `Bound`. `ButtonGroup` is not a widget, so it does not get put into the widget hierarchy. It is given the ID strings of the button `Binders` that belong to the group. """ qclass = QtGui.QButtonGroup #: List of `Binder` ID strings or `(binder_id_str, qt_id_int)` button_ids = List(Either(Str, Tuple(Str, Int))) def __init__(self, *button_ids, **traits): button_ids = list(button_ids) super(ButtonGroup, self).__init__(button_ids=button_ids, **traits)
[docs] def add_buttons_from_context(self, context): """ Pull out the required buttons from the context and add them. """ for button_id in self.button_ids: qt_id = None if isinstance(button_id, tuple): button_id, qt_id = button_id button = context[button_id].qobj if qt_id is None: self.qobj.addButton(button) else: self.qobj.addButton(button, qt_id)
# These classes are not intended to be automatically looked up from their Qt # classes. _EXCLUDE_FROM_REGISTRY = [ Composite, NChildren, SingleChild, SpanGridLayout, WithLayout, ] for obj in vars().values(): if obj in _EXCLUDE_FROM_REGISTRY: continue if (isinstance(obj, type) and issubclass(obj, Binder) and obj is not Binder): binder_registry.push(obj.qclass, obj)