Core PrinciplesΒΆ

  1. Value-added wrapping: Custom Binder classes should only manually wrap the Qt API when it adds value. For example, translating Qt enums one-to-one to an ad hoc toolkit-neutral form does not add value. Binder can automatically wrap all Qt properties, signals, and slots. This means that a user of the custom subclass can access everything that the Qt widget exposes even if the author did not think to expose it. Value-added wrapping encapsulates patterns of communication and coordinates multiple moving pieces internal to the widget to expose a bindable Traits API.
  2. Thin, transparent wrapping: This is a library for using Qt to build UIs, not hide it behind a toolkit-neutral abstraction.
  3. Small core: The core should remain tiny so that it can be understood and traced through by users of QtBinder who are debugging their code.
  4. Graded transition from Traits UI: Bound is a straightforward Traits UI Item that can be used wherever any other Item could be used in Traits UI. It can be used in a very focused manner to fix one or two places where the extra flexibility of QtBinder is necessary and ignored elsewhere. It can also be used to provide the whole View when desired. Use of QtBinder should not be held up because we have not added enough value-added widgets yet.
  5. Bind to existing instances: All Binder classes can either instantiate their underlying QWidget or be provided an existing one. This allows us to lay out an entire UI in Qt Designer, instantiate it from the .ui file, then attach the desired Binder to individual widgets inside of it.
  6. Do one thing well: Custom Binder subclasses should attempt to encapsulate one particular pattern of using their wrapped widget. It should not try to switch between different patterns based on configuration (unless if the intended pattern requires that the widget switch behaviors live). The logic needed to synchronize the widget state with the model state can sometimes get hairy. Dealing with multiple patterns conditionally complicates this part of the code, which makes it harder to customize for new purposes.
  7. Pay for what you use: Binder wraps all Qt signals, but it will only connect to them and incur the cost of converting the signal values to Python objects when a Traits listener is attached to the signal trait.

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